Colmap Download Mac


Exception: COLMAP patchmatchstereo failed, see system console for details. Any chance to have a Mac OS version or instructions to. Download COLMAP - Reconstruct 3D models from ordered or unordered image collections automatically or using of the presets via this end-to-end image application.

Colmap Download Mac

You can either download one of the pre-built binaries or build the source codemanually. Executables for Windows and Mac and other resources can be downloadedfrom Executables for Linux/Unix/BSD are available at Note that the COLMAP packagesin the default repositories for Linux/Unix/BSD do not come with CUDA support,which requires manual compilation but is relatively easy on these platforms.

  1. COLMAP is a free photogrammetry software available for download from Github. You can run either from the command-line or operate it like any other program with a GUI. Like most other photogrammetry software on this list, COLMAP can reconstruct 3D objects.
  2. Colmap -

COLMAP can be used as an independent application through the command-line orgraphical user interface. Alternatively, COLMAP is also built as a reusablelibrary, i.e., you can include and link COLMAP against your own source code,as described further below.

Pre-built Binaries¶


For convenience, the pre-built binaries for Windows contain both the graphicaland command-line interface executables. To start the COLMAP GUI, you can simplydouble-click the COLMAP.bat batch script or alternatively run it from theWindows command shell or Powershell. The command-line interface is alsoaccessible through this batch script, which automatically sets the necessarylibrary paths. To list the available COLMAP commands, run COLMAP.bat-h inthe command shell cmd.exe or in Powershell.


The pre-built application package for Mac contains both the GUI and command-lineversion of COLMAP. To open the GUI, simply open the application and note thatCOLMAP is shipped as an unsigned application, i.e., when your first open theapplication, you have to right-click the application and select Open and thenaccept to trust the application. In the future, you can then simply double-clickthe application to open COLMAP. The command-line interface is accessible byrunning the packaged binary To list theavailable COLMAP commands, run

Build from Source¶

COLMAP builds on all major platforms (Linux, Mac, Windows) with little effort.First, checkout the latest source code:

The latest stable version lives in the master branch and the latestdevelopment version lives in the dev branch.

On Linux and Mac it is generally recommended to follow the installationinstructions below, which use the system package managers to install therequired dependencies. Alternatively, there is a Python build script that buildsCOLMAP and its dependencies locally. This script is useful under Windows and ona (cluster) system if you do not have root access under Linux or Mac.


Recommended dependencies: CUDA (at least version 7.X)

Dependencies from the default Ubuntu repositories:

Colmap Download Mac App

Under Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 the CMake configuration scripts of CGAL are broken andyou must also install the CGAL Qt5 package:

Install Ceres Solver:

Configure and compile COLMAP:

Under newer Ubuntu versions it might be necessary to explicitly select the usedGCC version due to compatiblity issues with CUDA, which can be done as:


Colmap Image Stitching


Recommended dependencies: CUDA (at least version 7.X)

Dependencies from Homebrew:

Configure and compile COLMAP:



Recommended dependencies: CUDA (at least version 7.X), Visual Studio 2019

On Windows, the recommended way is to build COLMAP using vcpkg:

Please refer to the next section for more details.


COLMAP ships as part of the vcpkg distribution. This enables to convenientlybuild COLMAP and all of its dependencies from scratch under different platforms.Note that VCPKG requires you to install CUDA manually in the standard way onyour platform. To compile COLMAP using VCPKG, you run:

VCPKG ships with support for various other platforms (e.g., x64-osx,x64-windows, etc.). To compile with CUDA support and to build all tests:


The above commands will build the latest release version of COLMAP. To compilethe latest commit in the dev branch, you can use the following options:

To modify the source code, you can further add --editable--no-downloads.

Alternatively, you can also use the Python build script. Please follow theinstructions in the next section, but VCPKG is now the recommended approach.

Build Script¶

Colmap Paper


Alternative to the above solutions, COLMAP also ships with an automated Pythonbuild script. Note that VCPKG is the preferred way to achieve the same now.The build script installs COLMAP and its dependencies locallyunder Windows, Mac, and Linux. Note that under Mac and Linux, it is usuallyeasier and faster to use the available package managers for the dependencies(see above). However, if you are on a (cluster) system without root access,this script might be useful. This script downloads the necessary dependenciesautomatically from the Internet. It assumes that CMake, Boost, Qt5, CUDA(optional), and CGAL (optional) are already installed on the system.E.g., under Windows you must specify the location ofthese libraries similar to this:

Note that under Windows you must use forward slashes for specifying the pathshere. If you want to compile COLMAP using a specific Visual Studio version, youcan for example specify --cmake_generator'VisualStudio14' for VisualStudio 2015. If you want to open the COLMAP source code in Visual Studio, youcan open the solution file in path/to/colmap/build/colmap/build.If you use Homebrew under Mac, you can use the following command:

To see the full list of command-line options, pass the --help argument.


If you want to include and link COLMAP against your own library, the easiestway is to use CMake as a build configuration tool. COLMAP automatically installsall headers to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/colmap, all libraries to${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/colmap, and the CMake configuration to${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/colmap.

For example, compiling your own source code against COLMAP is as simple asusing the following CMakeLists.txt:

with the source code


You need Python and Sphinx to build the HTML documentation:

Colmap Download Mac Download

Alternatively, you can build the documentation as PDF, EPUB, etc.:

Colmap Documentation

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